понедельник, 11 августа 2014 г.

download PocketATIS apk free



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PocketATIS decodes and translates the actual METAR of an airport into spoken language and allows readback by the Android TTS. Currently supported languages are English, German and Polish. The translation follows the ICAO guidelines for phraseology in VOLMET and ATIS reports.

Best results are archived with voices from IVONA© TTS.


* Storing of any number of METAR reports in a list

* Decoing of METAR into spoken language in several languages

* Read aloud using currently selected Text-To-Speech engine.

* Search for airport by ICAO code or city name (fuzzy pattern matching)

* Monitoring of validity of reports

* Updating of reports from one or all airports

* Selection of preferred TTS engine from within the application

Attention: This application is for personal use and may not be used for Air Traffic Control or for other commercial purposes.


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