воскресенье, 29 июня 2014 г.

download Know Your Type APK

Know Your Type


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Follow the path to self-discovery and acceptance and learn to interact effectively with other people using this comprehensive Enneagram app as your guide.

This app, based on the accurate and powerful personality system known as the Enneagram, features the following 9 areas:

FIND YOUR TYPE: Discover which of the 9 Enneagram types best describes you through this interactive game. In addition, read a clear, concise overview of the 9 types, and store information about your friends’ types for future reference.

EXCEL AT INTERACTIONS: Build rapport and relate more effectively with your colleagues, friends, and family using this interactive grid. Simply click on 2 types to learn how these types interact when it is productive, when it is not, and what to do to enhance these relationships.

REDUCE STRESS: Practice three engaging activities for your type that will immediately reduce your stress level.

PREVENT CONFLICT: Learn what triggers conflict in individuals of all 9 types and what you can do to prevent this from happening.

DARE TO DEVELOP: Use this section for self-improvement on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE: Test yourself on the best approaches to use when you interact with your friends, family, and colleagues of the 9 Enneagram types in 10 different situations.

FAMOUS PEOPLE: Read amusing quotes from three famous people of each Enneagram type.

WEEKLY TIPS: Receive fun and insightful reminders for your Enneagram type that change every week.

PLUS MORE: Access the best Enneagram resources, and gain great information on the Enneagram wings, arrows, subtypes, and more.

Ginger Lapid-Bogda, Ph.D., is an internationally recognized Enneagram author, teacher, and organizational consultant. Her company, The Enneagram in Business, helps individuals and organizations use the Enneagram system for success in their personal and professional lives.


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Franco 's last musical endeavor was an EP called the New York performance artist Kalup Linzy Turn It Up last year last year download Know Your Type 1.0.1 apk free .In a strongly worded notice for the project issued Friday, pushing the motivation behind the band, after Franco , and O'Keefe, it is beyond the sound of of the music room in the surrounding ecology. Papa studied the areas film / video, installation and performance, while simultaneously exploring the connections form between them.

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